Demarinuoria ympäri maailman on kutsuttu kansainväliseen talvikouluun Werftpfuhliin, Saksaan 28.12.2019 – 4.1.2020 väliseksi ajaksi. Tapahtumaan voi hakea tekstin lopussa olevalla lomakkeella, ja lähtijät valitaan hakemusten perusteella. Jätä hakemuksesi 22.11. mennessä. Valituille ilmoitetaan viimeistään 26.11.

Tapahtumaan osallistuminen on maksutonta Demarinuorten jäsenille. Osallistujien on sitouduttava tapahtumaan koko ajalta. Tapahtumaan osallistuvilta odotetaan myös sujuvaa englannin kieltä ja kykyä matkustaa itsenäisesti.


Right-wing movements and parties all over Europe are increasingly gaining power in society and their ideas are already established in the minds of many people. We are accomplices of how right-wing radical parties win governmental power and how more and more extremist groups spread their word across Europe. We can read it at a local politics level, but we can also see it in the whole context of the European Union. Is it more than just a current trend, or have those turns to the right come to stay even longer?

Together with other socialist organisations, we want to develop strategies on how to respond to these drifts. Which is our role as socialist educators in these times of violence and propaganda? How can we organise ourselves and what educational approaches are necessary to encounter the increasing power of right-wing ideas? Our goal is to find answers and build a common strength network of socialist solidarity across countries.

Besides sharing work and lots of political debates, we will not forget to have fun together, self-organized by the participants. We will spend a day in Berlin as well and will celebrate together NEW YEARS EVE in the Education Centre.

As usual, the seminar will be held in English


Mikä? International Winter school – ”Countering right-wing populism”
Milloin? 28.12.2019 – 04.01.2020
Missä? Kurt Löwenstein Education Centre, Werftpfuhl, Saksa
Ketkä? Osallistujia IUSY:stä (International Union of Socialist Youth), YES:stä (Young European Socialists) ja IFM-SEI:stä (International Falcon Movement – Socialist Educational International)
Järjestäjä: SJD – Die Falken
Ikäraja: Osallistujien tulee olla 18-30-vuotiaita
Työskentelykieli: Englanti

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